About us | Archivportal-D

The Archivportal-D is a sub-portal of the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek and offers you a comprehensive search for archives and archival records in Germany.

With us you will find:

  • A comprehensive directory of German archival institutions
  • Descriptive information on the records of our data partner archives
  • Digitized copies of records of individual data partner archives
  • Online Collections on the topics of the "Weimar Republic" and "Wiedergutmachung for National Socialist Injustice"

Use Find archives to search for individual archives from different sectors in the various federal states. Find archival records from our data partner archives via Find records. Search for archival material on specific topics, for example on the topic "Weimar Republic" using the tab Explore collections in the header menu. You can find more information on the functions of the Archivportal-D on our help page.

Archivportal-D introductional film - a produktion of musealis GmbH for the Bundesarchiv, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg and FIZ Karlsruhe. | musealis GmbH, 2021

Please also visit our main portal: the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek

Here you will find archival records from more than 200 archives as well as more digitised cultural assets from libraries, museums, media libraries, monument preservation and other institutions.

Archivportal-D was the 2016 winner of the European multimedia cultural competition Heritage in Motion in the category "Websites and online content". We are continuously developing our offer further in order to make cultural assets from German archives searchable online in the future as well. Step by step, the Archivportal-D is to be expanded to become the central reference portal for archival records in Germany.

The beginning: DFG project "Building an Archivportal-D"

The project funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft was implemented as a sub-project of the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek from October 2012 to April 2017. Since May 2017, Archivportal-D has been in regular operation and enables a Germany-wide, cross-archival and professional search for archival records.

The development of Archivportal-D was realised by:

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Online collection "Weimar Republic"

In the online collection "Weimar Republic", you will find archival material from the period of the Weimar Republic from various archives in Germany in one place. The development of the Weimar Republic thematic portal was funded by the German Research Foundation from 2018 to 2022 and is the prelude to further online collections in Archivportal-D.

Project partners of the DFG project were:

Online collection "Wiedergutmachung for National Socialist Injustice"

As a second online collection alongside the one on the Weimar Republic, the "Online collection Wiedergutmachung for National Socialist Injustice" is currently under construction. For the first time, information on holdings that relate to Wiedergutmachung will be brought together. The thematic portal will be expanded step by step in the coming years. In the first stage, the most important holdings from Germany's state archives can be searched centrally. Background information on the historical context of Wiedergutmachung complements the archival content. Much more data sets and digitized archive material, subject-related and person-related access to individual types of documents and offers for historical education will follow.

The Federal Ministry of Finance initiated and finances the thematic portal as a follow-up task of the Wiedergutmachung. The Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, FIZ Karlsruhe and the Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek are responsible for implementation within the framework of Archivportal-D, while the Federal Archives is responsible for archival support and coordination.
